From a young age, I found solace in movement, connecting with nature and embracing my own body. My journey started with yoga at 5, followed by tumbling, skateboarding, surfing, soccer, and baseball. At 12, I fell in love with martial arts, studying disciplines such as Shaolin Kung Fu, boxing, wrestling, Tai chi, and more, earning high ranks and lineages.
In 1984, I began teaching movement for health and fitness at Toyota. A life-altering accident in 1988 led me to explore alternative therapies like bodywork, acupuncture, qigong, and energy medicine. Intrigued by their effectiveness, I delved into bodywork, trauma healing, shamanic practices, coaching, and studied with numerous masters.
Combining my expertise, I began teaching martial arts, qigong, and yoga professionally, alongside my work as a manual therapist. Inspired by the fusion of these disciplines, I created Sacred Energy Arts (SEA) – an integrated approach that blends qigong, martial arts, yoga, healing, poetry, and adventure.
Through one-on-one sessions, classes, workshops, and retreats, I've shared SEA with diverse individuals from all walks of life - CEOs, actors, professional athletes from various sports, and people from across the globe.
In SEA, I've harnessed the potency of ancient and progressive traditions to guide others on a transformative journey towards personal growth, vitality, and interconnectedness.
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